Larry Miller Larry Miller

Good Energy

Dr. Casey Means just wrote a brilliant book, “Good Energy: The Surprising Connection between Metabolism and Limitless Health,” focusing on increasing our cellular energy to reduce metabolic dysfunction which leads to all diseases.

She is an Ears, Nose, and Throat doctor who stopped practicing surgery after seeing how sick her patients were by just treating the downstream ENT manifestations of their diseases instead of the root issues.

She is now focused on fixing our epidemic of busted metabolism with over 93% of Americans having at least 1 sign of metabolic dysfunction.

Creating health is giving the body what it needs and removing what it doesn’t to prevent chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression, cancer, diabetes, and autism.

Dr. Means states that metabolic dysfunction occurs when any of our 40 trillion cells are underpowered.

When the powerhouses of our cells are not able to convert energy that we receive from our food, water, oxygen, and sun into cellular energy, we become sick.

Think about when a baby’s crying- they will not be able to express to you if they’re hungry, tired, need diaper changes, feel gassy, or have pain. You’ll go through all of the motions to figure out what’s causing their crying.

The same goes for our cells when they are not making enough energy. They will start screaming out for help by displaying general symptoms including fatigue, pain, and behaviors in our kids, and will be more specific when the cells of organs like the brain, heart, gut, kidneys, or eyes are affected.

Dr. Means talks about 7 main lifestyle causes that are going to underpower our cells which include eating ultra-processed food, lack of physical activity, stress, insufficient sleep, toxins, lack of natural light (sun) exposure with excessive artificial light (technology), and lack of exposure to changes in temperature.

Any of these factors will block our body’s ability to produce the cellular energy that it needs to create optimal health.

So, what can we do to increase cellular energy to prevent metabolic diseases for our?

·        Eat an organic whole-foods diet no matter what diet you choose- keto, Mediterranean, paleo, vegan, carnivore

·        Move at least 2 and ½ hours per week and do 2 days of resistance training per week- don’t need to worry about specifics

·        Reduce stress with whatever approach works for you- massage, therapy, meditation, yoga, reading

·        Get at least 7 and ½ hours of sleep

·        Avoid toxins including BPA in plastics, phthalates in personal care products, PFAS in personal care products and clothing, glyphosate in food

·        Get out in the sun at least 20 minutes a day to power your cells and regulate your body’s timeclock and reduce exposure to blue light throughout the day.

·        Get outside to expose yourself to temperature changes to improve cellular energy

Providing our cells with what they need and removing what they don’t need will allow them to make good energy to create health for our families!

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Cereal For Dinner?

Kellogg’s CEO has recently been running this ad campaign saying it’s good if you’re tight on cash.

Do you want to eat Apple Jacks, Fruit Loops, or Frosted Flakes for dinner?

It’s bad enough eating this for breakfast.

Their main ingredients are sugar, highly refined oils and grains, salt, food dyes and BHT which is a hormone disrupting preservative.

They get you with marketing cereals as being fortified with vitamins and minerals and being “heart healthy.”

There’s nothing healthy about most cereals.

There is currently a petition demanding that Kellogg’s remove synthetic food dyes from their cereals.

The Canadian version of fruit loops contains more natural products including concentrated fruit juices as naturally dyes.

Canada bans the use of BHT as a preservative and Japan forbids the use of red dye 40.

The European Union requires food companies to put warning labels on products with these ingredients stating they may have an adverse effect on attention and activity in children.

These artificial dyes can cause hyperactivity and behavioral problems in some kids.

In addition, we’re seeing an increase in numerous disorders in children including obesity, diabetes, depression, and autism.

So, would you rather save a few bucks according to Kellogg’s, or put yourself at risk for compromised health, since many of these ingredients in cereal are detrimental to our metabolic health?

On top of that, they are marketing to our children on TV using mascots like Tony the Tiger and Tucan Sam.

Cereal might be a cheaper dinner option according to Kellogg’s CEO, but the cost of medical bills and health will far outweigh replacing chicken or steak with Lucky Charms.

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Larry Miller Larry Miller


Have you seen Spellers?

What an incredible documentary based on the book “Underestimated” about non-speakers with autism learning how to communicate through letterboards and other devices.

It has had a profound impact and has won prestigious awards.

These nonspeakers whose lives are followed in the movie felt imprisoned in their minds for most of their lives until their families pursued the spell-to-communicate approach better known as S2C.

Most of these kids were written off as low functioning with extremely limited potential due to being nonverbal.

Little did anyone realize that many of these kids are brilliant but have verbal apraxia where there is a disconnect between the brain and their mouth not allowing them to speak.

Up to 30 % of children with ASD are non-speakers or minimally verbal.

The stars of the movie are displaying their amazing skills, and our community is in awe.

Some of these nonspeakers didn’t start S2C until they were teenagers, so don’t ever lose hope.

These families persisted despite many of the naysayers and struggles that encountered.

There’s always an opportunity at any age to see improvement in our kids.

Don’t get caught up in the dogma that a window closes for a child when they reach a certain age.

I have seen numerous children and adults make tremendous strides no matter what age.

The S2C movement is starting to work with children who are verbal but are unreliable speakers.

You should work with your health care provider to see if there’s any underlying cause of the apraxia even if you’re working with an S2C practitioner.

#spellers #ASD #autism

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Do You Know About TruDOSE?

I recently came across a novel treatment at an autism conference that has been used in regenerative medicine which is creating traction.

We learn in school about platelets’ clotting abilities, but they also can trigger cell production and tissue regeneration.

The regenerative treatment known as TruDOSE platelet therapy uses the healing power of the body’s platelets to restart the body’s immune and repair systems to reduce systemic inflammation.

Many studies have shown that there is neuroinflammation occurring in ASD, so it would make sense that this treatment could be therapeutic

The procedure involves testing a few drops of blood and analyzing it using the TruDose technology to personalize a dose treatment plan.

The blood is then drawn from the arm, spun down by centrifuge and the platelets are then administered back into the arm through an IV.

This is similar to a therapy known as platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections which have been used for years to increase the concentration of growth factors to accelerate the healing process.

Like stem cell treatment, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and fecal occult microbial transplantation, TruDose is not an FDA-approved therapy for autism.

As we know, there’s no magic bullet but it’s always exciting to hear when there are new options available.

I mention this because families should know all the available possibilities to consider.

More clinics are starting to use TruDose in the US.

As with other therapies, it is important to do your due diligence and collaborate with your provider to determine what’s best for your child.

TruDOSE has a website: if you’re interested in learning more about it.

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

If You’ve Seen One Kid with Autism…

Have you heard the saying, “If you’ve seen one kid with autism, you’ve seen one kid with autism?”

Even though our kids have characteristics that qualify them as having ASD, their biology is unique.

Just like ice cream, there are hundreds of flavors yet there is the commonality of them being creamy, sweet, and tasty.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach that works and each child needs a thorough investigation into the root causes of what’s happening with their biology.

Since there are many potential causes and approaches, families need to partner with their practitioners to discuss all of the possible concerns and prioritize how to proceed.

Some families can implement various treatments simultaneously and others need to take it slow and steady.

Where can you start?

Make a list of your concerns to discuss with your practitioner.

There are lifestyle measures such as dietary intervention, removal of toxins, exercise, and sleep hygiene that can be managed by the family.

Other areas such as gut dysbiosis, hormonal imbalances, seizures, mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroinflammation, nutrient deficiencies, and autoimmunity often need to be addressed, and finding a practitioner that can help you determine your child’s unique biology

Tackle what you can and don’t feel overwhelmed.

Moms and dads must work as a team to see progress.

They may not agree upon everything, but collaboration with your team will help guide you toward optimizing the health of your child.

Although it can be stressful when your child is stimming, biting, screaming, and hitting, something is biologically causing these behaviors.

We can’t just chalk it up to their autism.

There are many areas to address, and you can start working on their healing today.

Enroll for a complimentary session by April 30 @ to discuss how I can help support you to uncover what’s biologically causing their behaviors.

#autism #autismawareness

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Autism Action Month!

April is Autism Awareness Month/ Autism Action Month, so let’s take action to reverse the astronomical rate of 1 in 36 being diagnosed.

When my son was diagnosed in 2001, the rate of autism was 1 in 150, so it has climbed 317%.

Back in 1970, the rate was 1 in 10,000!

Even though I’m focusing on autism, it’s not the only childhood disorder that’s increasing- obesity, ADD, depression, diabetes, and asthma are as well just to name a few.

Why! Why are we seeing such an epidemic rise in these conditions?

We know that there hasn’t been a dramatic genetic shift.

Conditions such as autism stem from metabolic dysfunction.

So, what’s causing this metabolic dysfunction resulting in disease?

Let’s think about some of the changes since 1970 that could cause metabolic dysfunction leading to the meteoric rise in autism.

· Increase in environmental toxins such as heavy metals, BPA, and glyphosate

· Increase in ultra-processed and fast-food consumption

· Increase in vaccinations

· Increase in pharmaceuticals prescribed and over-the-counter use

· Increase in technology with more EMF exposure

· Increase in nutrient-depleted soil

There are other factors like infections, inflammation, gut microbiome disruption, and hormonal imbalances that also play a role.

For each child, there’s a unique set of circumstances that led them on their journey.

I am so passionate about helping families reverse autism.

I have been working with kids with autism since my son’s diagnosis, continue to learn new things every day, and am amazed by what warriors our kids and their families are.

I get what families with autism are going through from the lens of being a parent, health coach and physician.

When I started the Autism Healing Program last year, I didn’t know exactly how it would go, but my plan was to guide and support families in every capacity to help them reach their health goals.

I’m proud to report the great results that we’ve seen.

Throughout autism awareness month of April, I’m offering a free 60-minute session to discuss how we can work on your child’s healing.

I also work with children and adults with various metabolic disorders including ADD/ADHD, depression, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, and gastrointestinal disorders.

So, this offer is being extended to anyone who may need guidance and support to reach their health goals.

One free 60-minute session is available per family to be booked by the end of April.

You can schedule the session at

#autism #autismawarenessmonth #autismaction

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Double Down on the Basics!

When it comes to our health, everyone’s looking for that magic bullet.

It’s fantastic that we have many options out there such as different medications, supplements, devices, and procedures with innovative technology working to find a cure for nearly every illness.

However, childhood disorders and chronic diseases such as autism, diabetes, obesity, depression, cardiovascular disease, and cancer continue to rise at alarming rates despite all of the advances.

I have found focusing on the pillars of health quite effective at preventing metabolic dysfunction that can lead to disease.

So, what are the fundamentals we can work on to take control of our health?

The food we eat, the water we drink, the home air we breathe, movement, sleep, reducing stress, getting sunlight, and removing toxins from our home.

I have been amazed by the amount of progress I have seen not only in my family but the families that I’ve worked with.

My approach certainly has transformed over the years from prescribing “pills for every ill” to a holistic approach that empowers and supports families in their quest to attain optimal health and to prevent and reverse chronic diseases.

Sure, there are some great novel therapies such as stem cells, peptides, exosomes, and fecal microbial transplants, but these will likely rendered ineffective if our home environment is toxic.

It also is helpful to know what’s going on “underneath the hood” with basic lab testing to get a baseline and see how our biomarkers are responding to these measures.

You can easily get started on a healthy diet, exercise, prioritizing sleep, testing water and air quality in the how, working on your stress, removing toxins from the home, and getting out in the sun for 10 minutes in the morning to help set your body’s time clock.

Just pick one thing at a time to not feel overwhelmed and you will see dramatic improvement in your wellbeing.

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Make an Informed Decision

Does your provider discuss the risks versus benefits when it comes to vaccinations?

In most cases, parents are informed that they need to vaccinate against various infections otherwise their child can get very sick with an infection they’re not vaccinated against, or they won’t be able to start school since vaccines are mandatory.

Think about when you have surgery. You are required to sign an informed consent form where you acknowledge all of the risks that could occur from a procedure like bleeding, infection, or even death.

Should we have this with vaccines?

Vaccines are manufactured to help prevent specific infectious diseases which should provide a better quality of life for our children, however, there’s a correlation between chronic diseases such as allergies, asthma, obesity, and autism rising with an increase in the vaccine schedule even though there are multiple contributing factors.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over $5 billion to date.

We’ve gone from kids getting 11 shots up to 18 years old in 1983 to now 58 shots with some kids getting 8 shots at 1 visit.

You also need to be aware that there are adjuvants added to vaccines such as mercury and aluminum which are neurotoxic and are used to ramp up the immune response.

In addition, preservatives such as formaldehyde and stabilizers like MSG are added to cell cultures that come from fetal tissue and animals.

There are millions of germs out there and the vaccines available can only potentially provide immunity to a select few.

We as parents need to weigh to weight the risk of being protected against a select number of infections vs. the potential of having a chronic debilitating disorder if the vaccine contributes.

Only you can weigh the pros and cons to make that decision.

Most states allow a philosophical or religious exemption for parents who decide to either not vaccinate or take a modified vaccine schedule approach.

Parents should always have the choice and be informed of the risks and benefits of each vaccine before proceeding.

#vaccines #autism

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Is your cookware toxic?

We all know the importance of eating healthily, but not everyone knows that the cookware you use to prepare your dishes is just as important as the food itself.

We avoid toxins like glyphosate by eating organic, but how can we avoid toxic cookware?

Even the healthiest diet can result in severe health problems if your pots and pans are toxic.

So, what should we avoid?

The non-stick properties of Teflon cookware are coated with PTFE, a plastic polymer that, when heated above 572°F, starts to release toxins.

These toxic fumes lead to flu-like symptoms called polymer fume fever, informally known as Teflon flu.

Another chemical compound found in Teflon cookware is especially threatening since it tends to stay in the body for long periods.

Try cast-iron cookware instead since it doesn't leak anything toxic into your food

Though aluminum cookware is usually coated, the coating is prone to chipping, allowing the toxic metal to get right into your food.

As for aluminum foil, using it while cooking is even more dangerous.

When you wrap your food in aluminum foil and cook it this way, the amount of this substance that leaks into the food significantly exceeds the permissible level and is neurotoxic.

Consider using glass cookware instead, since it will never release anything toxic when heated.

Copper cookware can cause metal poisoning when you cook acidic foods in it.

Stainless steel is a great alternative that’s lightweight and scratch-resistant.

Avoid soft ceramic-coated cookware since it chips and can leech harmful heavy metals like lead and cadmium into your body.

Try 100% ceramic cookware instead since it’s made with natural materials, doesn’t chip, and isn’t toxic.

We can take control of our health in the kitchen and using non-toxic cookware plays an integral role.

#toxiccookware #toxins

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Fast food?

Do you eat fast food?

A study recently showed that over one-third of Americans are eating fast food daily.

It’s staggering!

Fast food has crept its way into our schools as well which is detrimental to our kids’ health.

There has been testing on these foods looking at toxins such as glyphosate, heavy metals, antibiotics, and hormone disruptors such as forever chemicals and phthalates.

100% of the top twenty fast food brands came back positive for glyphosate which has been linked to many disorders like cancer, depression, cardiovascular disease diabetes, and autism.

These toxins can cause leaky gut and cause breakdown of the blood-brain barrier which could lead to neuroinflammation that we’re seeing in disorders of children such as ASD, ADD/ADHD, depression, and anxiety.

The highest levels of glyphosate were found in Panera Bread and Arby’s, meanwhile, Chopotle was found to have one of the lowest levels.

This is a contributing factor to what’s making our society sick, and there are many healthier alternatives available.

Advocacy groups are getting into schools to make changes to our school lunches to replace the foods that are making us sick with nutritious food.

The problem is that there is an abundance of toxins and a lack of nutrients which are detrimental to all of us.

Unfortunately, not only fast food, but any food we eat out of the house can contain toxins.

There are many restaurants now like True Food Kitchen that cook whole food and give us a clean experience of eating out.

We should be making those same choices to shop organic to avoid glyphosate and ultra-processed foods that are making us and our kids sick.

While removing certain inflammatory foods for many of our kids like gluten and casein can be beneficial, one of the most important factors to create health is eating organic whole foods to fuel our bodies to prevent chronic degenerative diseases.

#fastfood #ASD #autism

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

What the heck is chlormequat?

Have you heard the news about chlormequat?

A study done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) was recently published this month revealing this pesticide was found in 80% of people tested.

Chlormequat helps prevent plants from bending over, allowing the crops to be more easily harvested.

This pesticide was approved by the EPA in 2018 to be applied on oat-based products such as Quaker Oats and Cheerios and was detected in 92% of oat-based foods.

We hear how Oatmeal and Cheerios are touted as “heart-healthy” foods.

Is it worth the risk?

What is the problem with chlormequat?

Animal studies show it reduces fertility, harms the reproductive system, and alters fetal growth.

Even though we don’t have enough data yet from human studies, it is quite alarming to see the effects on animals.

Who wants to take that risk?

EWG continues to study the prevalence of chlormequat and its potentially harmful effects on our health.

The majority of kids with autism have enough difficulty with detoxification.

Why bombard them with another toxin?

How can you avoid chlormequat?

Purchase organic oats, which are grown without synthetic pesticides.

This sounds remarkably similar to glyphosate, and we know how much harm that has caused.

#chlormequat #autism #toxins

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Larry Miller Larry Miller


What do you know about genomics?

There is a growing movement towards personalized medicine instead of the one-size-fits-all approach.

This takes into account genetics, environment, and lifestyle to create a tailor-made solution.

Everybody has heard of genetics- inheritable genetic conditions that are passed down from mom and dad like sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis.

Genomics is a more recent discovery of how our genes are influenced by the environment and the influence this has on personalizing how to prevent and manage disease.

Until about 10 years ago, it would cost approximately $1 billion to sequence our whole genome which is about 20 thousand genes.

Now, you can get it done for less than $500 and get reports of how certain conditions are controlled by hundreds of genes with personalized reports on how to address them.

Conditions such as dementia, autism, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders can be treated using genomics.

The genes load the gun, and the environment and lifestyle pull the trigger

Genes can be modified in order by turning on and off switches that are affecting various pathways in the body that lead to disease.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be “loaded” with all of the information about your genetics with the practical applications that could be implemented?

We want to work on changing the expression of our genes to optimize their function and how they could protect and heal us.

Genomics can help prioritize interventions and address root causes to improve your health, especially for brain-related disorders like autism with just getting a cheek swab- no blood draw needed.

#genomics #autism

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Does Your Child Toe Walk?

Does your child walk on their toes?

Approximately 10% of children with autism toe walk.

For many of the kids, there is a sensory processing disorder underlying their toe walking, however there are other possible causes including vitamin and mineral deficiencies, visual disturbances, retained primitive reflexes, neurotransmitter imbalances and food sensitivities.

Nearly 80% of our kids have mitochondrial disorder leading to reduced energy production by our cells.

If our kids’ mitochondria are not producing enough energy, this can lead to difficulty with coordination and muscle strength causing toe walking.

Often, when we treat constipation or mitochondrial dysfunction, the toe walking will improve.

Many kids will toe walk when they are constipated which is so common amongst ASD kids.

They are trying to alleviate some of that pressure in the belly by going on their toes.

Some children are given special braces, casts, or even recommended surgery to eliminate the toe walking.

We would not want to cut off our kid’s hands if their hands are flapping or their feet if they are always jumping, so we should look for and treat any underlying causes before doing anything drastic like surgery.

Toe walking, like many other symptoms that ASD kids exhibit, are clues to help guide us to finding the root causes of a child’s autism.

#toewalking #ASD #Autism

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

How’s Your Inner Garden?

Are you taking care of your inner garden, the microbiome?

Our microbiome consists of trillions of bacteria that live throughout our body, concentrated in our colon.

These microbes aid in digestion, absorption of nutrients, managing inflammation, and producing vitamins and neurotransmitters that affect our brain.

If there’s any disruption in your microbiome, inflammation and illness can ensue.

Factors that can disrupt the microbiome are c-section delivery, lack of breastfeeding, antibiotics mom may have received during pregnancy, medications such as antacids and anti-inflammatories, infections, stress, lack of sleep, toxins, and an ultra-processed nutritionally depleted diet.

This can lead to dysbiosis, an imbalance of microbes which can start with GI symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea.

If this imbalance persists, the lining of the intestines will break down causing a “leaky gut” leading to inflammatory disorders such as Autism.

The metabolites released by these problematic germs in the gut will travel to the brain leading to many of the sensory, motor, cognitive, and psychosocial delays that we see with our kids.

Taking care of your microbiome is like tending your garden.

You want to feed the good guys with foods high in prebiotic fiber and phytonutrients such as fruits and vegetables to allow them to thrive.

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, and yogurt provide probiotics to replenish our microbiome with healthy bacteria.

When you take care of the good germs by feeding your inner garden healthily, they’ll prevail and decimate the bad germs- like getting rid of the weeds.

Studies are currently being done on fecal microbial transplants from healthy donors to kids with ASD and the results look promising.

Hopefully, this will be an FDA-approved treatment shortly.

Applying the pillars of a healthy diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and toxin removal plays a tremendous role in supporting a healthy microbiome to help heal our kids.

#autism #ASD #microbiome #leakygut

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Infertility and Our Decreasing Population

Did you know that infertility rates and erectile dysfunction rates are skyrocketing, and our population is decreasing?

This predated Covid and Covid vaccines even though they have had an impact.

Since the 1960s, there has been an annual one percent decrease in sperm count, testosterone, and fertility rates.

Men today have 50% less sperm compared to their grandfathers.

Almost 20% of couples are unable to get pregnant after one year of trying.

For these reasons, IVF has increased and is quite expensive with variable success rates.

The factors that affect our metabolic health are wreaking havoc on fertility just like we see in other conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, dementia, depression, and cancer.

It is the usual culprits that lead to poor metabolic health:

· Diet with nutrient-depleted ultra-processed foods high in refined carbs and fats and low in fiber and protein

· Reduced sleep

· Stress

· Lack of movement/exercise

· Hormone-disrupting toxins

· Hormonal imbalances· Infections

· Smoking

· Alcohol

There can be structural genital problems however metabolic dysfunction plays a critical role.

If we take control of our metabolic health, we should be able to reverse these trends.

#Infertility #Erectiledysfunction #Population

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Who’s on Your Team?

Have you found it difficult to find a provider to help you with your child?

So many families feel lost on their journey of healing their kids with Autism.

I’ve made numerous changes to our team working with our kids over the years.

One of the most important people on your team is your practitioner.

Years ago, integrative biomedical practitioners were part of DAN (Defeat Autism Now).

This dissolved many years ago, and shortly after, MAPS (Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) was formed.

MAPS practitioners undergo extensive training to be able to assess and personalize treatment for each unique case.

There’s no protocol approach like DAN had preached.

You can find MAPS practitioners on their website, but you may have to travel to one that’s the right fit.

They’re training pediatricians and PCPs to learn how to manage our kids.

We as parents know what’s best for our kids, so ask your practitioner as many questions as needed and feel comfortable with them.

If it’s not working out, it is ok to fire your practitioner.

How can you keep your finger on the pulse and learn what’s new in the biomedical sphere?

There’s the Autism Health Summit in San Antonio this weekend and The Autism Community in Action (TACA) has many resources and annual conferences for parents and practitioners.

There are podcasts such as Spectrum Awakenings, Autism Parenting Secrets, and The Autism Detective that are highly informative and interview experts on diverse topics about ASD.

I have collaborated with some of these experts and developed the Autism Healing Program to empower, educate and guide families on a healing path, and am continuously researching and learning about what’s new and available for our kids.

Let me know if I can be of any assistance on your journey.

#ASD #autismstrong #autism #MAPS #TACA

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

How about Stem Cells?

What do you think about stem cells for Autism?

I had heard about this many years ago and considered taking my son to Panama, since it wasn’t available in the US, for stem cell therapy after a friend told me about the great results she had seen with her son.

After reading more testimonials, we seriously contemplated it but decided to hold off since it was a long trip, very expensive, and there just wasn’t enough safety data.

Stem cells can divide and form all different types of cells including muscle, nerve, heart and bone.

They have been studied for many conditions such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, heart disease, and dementia.

Stem cells can be derived from embryonic tissue, umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, or fat.

Stem cells can do many things including reducing neuroinflammation associated with ASD.

They secrete a multitude of metabolites that tell the immune system to calm down, start regenerating healthy tissue, and increase neural connections in the brain.

Stem cell treatment is not currently FDA-approved, however, there are multiple ongoing studies demonstrating safety and efficacy.

The most widely known study is at Duke where they gave 25 children from ages 4-6 were given a single infusion of stem cells.

This study and a recent meta-analysis of multiple studies demonstrated that the procedure was safe and that children showed significant improvement in multiple areas.

There needs to be an established standardized treatment protocol using the most suitable cell type along with administration method and dosing.

Hopefully, this will be standardized in the US very soon so many families can feel confident exploring this treatment for their kids.

#stemcells #ASD #autism

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

It’s That Time of the Year

It’s lovely to see the snow but I can do without Flu, Covid, RSV, Strep, etc.

Has your home been plagued with illness yet?

Many of our kids with ASD can regress when they get sick.

They may not exhibit classic symptoms of illness but only neuropsychiatric changes similar to PANS/PANDAS.

If this is the case, have them evaluated to rule out something like an ear infection, strep throat, or an infected tooth, since they may not be able to express what’s bothering them.

When some of our kids get a fever, some of their ASD features may improve.

How can we support their immune system to prevent getting attacked by the creepy crud?

·        Eat nutrient-dense whole foods and avoid nutrient-depleted ultra-processed foods such as finely refined carbs/sugar and seed oils that impair the immune system.

·        Get plenty of sleep- insufficient sleep can decimate your immune system.

·        Exercise regularly

·        Support the microbiome- these protective microbes are throughout our body and concentrated in our gut- 70% of our immune system is here. Our microbiome can be supported with prebiotic fiber from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and probiotic food sources such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha.

·        Sauna (if you have access to one) has been quite effective in supporting the immune system and detoxification.

What can you do once they get sick?

·        Maintain hydration and nutrition- add honey, ginger, and/or turmeric to fluids and eat chicken soup to help fight the infection.

·        Rest!! The body needs this to recover and also prevent transmission to others.

·        Steamed mist from a hot shower can help open the airways to mobilize secretions.

·        Gargling with salt water can loosen mucus and alleviate sore throat.

·        Salt water nasal rinses break up congestion and remove viral and bacterial particles from the nose.

·        Supplements that can help fight infections include garlic, oregano, thyme, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, echinacea, and n-acetylcysteine (NAC).

Hopefully, you can stave off these germs throughout the winter.

#sickness #autism #ASD #PANS #PANDAS

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Are Your Hormones Out of Whack?

Our hormones play such an integral role in regulating our metabolism.

I have seen many women recently who have complained not only of fatigue and depression but also of stubborn belly fat and excess weight gain.

Some of the hormonal imbalances that contribute to this are insulin resistance, estrogen dominance, progesterone deficiency, and thyroid and cortisol imbalances.

All of these hormones need to be balanced to maintain a healthy metabolism.

Our sex/steroid hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone come from cholesterol.

When we are under stress, our body will convert the cholesterol to cortisol rather than the sex hormones.

Chronically elevated levels of our stress hormone cortisol deplete our sex hormones and contribute to many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, dementia, obesity, and diabetes.

There are blood, urine, and saliva tests available to check levels.

What can you do to shift the balance from producing less cortisol to balancing your sex hormones?

·        Manage emotional stress.

·        Get enough sleep.

·        Eat enough healthy fat which makes your hormones from olive oil, avocadoes, nuts, seeds, poultry, beef, and fish.

·        Strive to consume 1 gram of protein per pound body weight to increase muscle synthesis and improve hormonal profile.

·        Avoid ultra-processed foods high in sugar, refined carbs, and fats that will increase insulin resistance, and cortisol and reduce sex hormones.

·        Eat plenty of fiber and fermented foods to feed our microbiome which helps maintain hormonal balance.

·        Minimize alcohol.

·        Stay hydrated.

·        Do strength training exercises to increase lean body mass which will improve hormones and increase fat-burning.

·        Avoid toxins such as BPA in plastics, phthalates in personal care products, and pesticides which are hormone disruptors.

If you are battling with losing weight, belly fat, fatigue, depression, or feeling like your hormones are out of balance, contact me to discuss how to help set you on the right path.

#hormones #hormonalimbalances #bellyfat #weightgain

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Larry Miller Larry Miller

Did Your Child Regress?

Approximately 2/3 of kids with ASD regress between 12-18 mos where parents state that their kids were developing normally and suddenly lost all of their skills.

The other 1/3 of cases have a genetic basis or prenatal stressor where parents typically comment that developmental delays are evident shortly after birth.

My son regressed and my daughter exhibited delays early on.

I have worked with hundreds of families that described a similar situation to my son’s.

The history would often reveal that everything was going fine up until an illness where the kid received an antibiotic, Tylenol, and/or was vaccinated.

Why could these factors that many of us would consider beneficial lead to autism?

Tylenol breaks down into metabolites that could be directly toxic to the brain and open up the blood-brain barrier making the brain more vulnerable.

Viruses such as live viruses like measles, mumps, and rubella are injected at 15 months old, and for a child whose blood-brain barrier has been compromised by a toxin metabolite from a medication like Tylenol or a heavy metal like aluminum or mercury used to preserve a vaccine, this perfect storm can induce regression into autism.

In addition, kids who receive antibiotics will disrupt their gut microbiome which impacts the brain.

The elephant in the room is having this discussion of why there has been this exponential increase in ASD.

How can you address all of these potential possibilities leading to regression?

Viral titers can be assessed to see if they are elevated and natural remedies like vitamin A and antivirals may be effective.

Avoid Tylenol and use Motrin or curcumin if an anti-inflammatory is needed.

Try to avoid antibiotics for situations like ear infections since most are viral unless it’s necessary.

Be aware of live virus vaccines like MMR and Varicella (Chicken Pox) which can be problematic for an immature immune system and that aluminum is in the majority of the vaccines as an adjuvant to boost the immune response but also is neurotoxic.

The problem is that we don’t know which kids can tolerate the onslaught of any of the insults that can lead to ASD.

There are more studies revealing correlations between ASD with toxins and infections, and anecdotally, myriad families express these concerns.

Awareness and knowledge give parents the tools to make decisions about what is best for their children.

#autism #regression #vaccines #toxins #antibiotics #tylenol #microbiome

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